Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One Year Ago Today

It was one year ago today that we lost our beloved President Hinckley.  I love him and miss him. I am so grateful for the opportunity of knowing him and learning from him.  I'm grateful that he was the prophet of my children's youth.  He is to them what President Kimball was to me.  There is always a special place in your heart for YOUR prophet, the one that led the church when you came to your own understanding of the gospel and gained your own testimony.  As I write this my heart is full of gratitude to my Heavenly Father for a living prophet.  What a blessing in my life, in all of our lives.  I love and sustain President Monson and am grateful for his teachings.  I can truly feel his love for all of us.

Let's take a moment today out of our busy lives and remember the life of a wonderful man. Here is a beautiful tribute to him.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

What a beautiful reminder. He was and still is a wonderful prophet!